Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Social Cognitivism Case Study - Elementary

1. The strategies that Mr. Corbet uses to teach his students appropriate school behavior are most consistent with which two theories/theorists that we have learned about so far this semester? Justify your response.

I noticed that Mr. Corbet used Kohlberg's preconventional reasoning as well as Behavioral theory. As for Kohlberg, his students are showing little internalization dealing with their moral values. The kindergartners obey all of the rules. They are always in search for pleasing the teacher and is tyring to stay away from being punished. When Mindy broke Jonathon's crayon, he thought it was something that she should be punished for. He did not know the difference between an action that needs punishing and actions that do not. He was following the theories idea of "following the laws".

I also think classical conditioning is being used by Mr. Corbet which is behavioral theory. He uses a whistle to get the attention of the students. He is trying them to behave the way he wants and with this is teaching his students classical conditioning. If his students hear the whistle, it means they are doing something wrong. Another thing that follows this theory is when the students hear about recess, they automatically get excited and behave the right way. Many teachers use similar strategies, so the students had prior knowledge and experience of the whistle and recess.

2. Describe one incident in the case study that represents vicarious reinforcement. Explain your reasoning.

The students use vicarious reinforcement when they are to get in line to go outside. Mr. Corbet encourages his students to walk to the line instead of running. When the students are being called to come to the line, Mindy observes the behavior she should be using. Also, the students all notice which tables got to line up first because of their behavior. This would be considered positive reinforcement. These students that were able to line up first are more likely to show this behavior again because they know what happens if they do and they are also pleasing their teacher.

3. Describe one incident in the case study that represents vicarious punishment. Explain your reasoning.

An example of this type of punishment happens when Mindy observes the teacher blowing the whistle at some students misbehaving. From Mindy's observation, she is less likely going to misbehave on the playground because she saw the consequence of the students misbehaving by getting talked to by Mr. Corbet. She doesn't want that to happen to her.

4. Do you think Mindy has low or high self-efficacy with regard to appropriate kindergarten behavior? Justify your response with examples from the case.

I think that Mindy has a low self-efficacy regarding to her kindergarten behavior. Mindy didn't know what was happening in the class and would follow the behavior of her classmates to react to something. She only know what recess was by observing others. The class showed excitement about recess so in return Mindy became excited and curious of what caused this enjoyment. In order for Mindy to do something is follows what others are doing. She is unsure of what is really happening and what she is suppose to do. This comes in handy for her by having an understanding of how not to act. She noticed in order not to get the whistle blown at her, she has to be good and stay out of trouble.

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