Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hidden Assignment #1 Goals

My goals for this class are first, to go to class everyday and participate in the lectures. I am normally quiet in class because I am afraid I might say the wrong answer. My goal is to not be afraid to say what is on my mind and to ask questions and to join in on the discussions. Next, I will read all of the material required and use different note taking strategies to help me understand the text better. I do not know what type of learner I am so I would like to figure that out while I am in this class by using the note taking strategies found on the website you gave to us in the first class session. I want to really understand the content given and therefore my goal is to work hard and to not settle with the easy route. Last, my third goal is to use my calendar. I am a very organized person but for some reason when I have a calendar, I never use it. I tend to have a difficult time following through in doing the items I have scheduled. My goal for this class is to actually use a calendar and follow through with what I have written down. I want to use two different calendars; one with just the days and another with times to schedule specific studying periods. This will help me organize my time so I am less stressed and it also allows me to see what assignments I have and what I have completed.

I will set up a plan that will not set me up to fail. I plan to arrange at least 30-45 minutes a day to study the material from the text and work on assignments. I bought a notebook calendar that I can carry around with me so I can automatically see what needs to be done. I will also use my Google calendar and arrange specific times for this class.

I plan to use different study strategies. A few of those strategies include, scheduling time to study, using the 4R's and either take notes on what I read or make a map. I will also highlight what I find important. I will ask more questions and place boxes in my text to stop and reflect on what I have just read. I plan to use flashcards for the definitions and connect that word with something that has meaning to me.

I know there are going to be several times when I will not understand a topic so my plan is to first research and try to find the answer on my own. If I cannot figure it out, then I will ask someone for help, whether I ask a classmate or an outside source. We are designing a Facebook account for our Cohort so that will be beneficial for quick responses. My last resort would be to ask my professor (Dr. Cox) for help.

I will reach my goals in this course by working hard and being organized. I will try hard to understand every subject and not do things just to get by. I will reach my goals by being an over-achiever.

1 comment:

  1. Great mastery goals! Just make sure that you don't overwhelm yourself!
